Get involved on the YES on 2 campaign

Get involved on the YES on 2 campaign

Make calls, knock on doors & call on your school committee to support Question 2

Please talk to your friends and family about why it is important to vote YES on Question 2 to replace the harmful MCAS graduation requirement and uphold our high education standards.

Here are some concrete ways to get involved in the YES on 2 campaign.

  • Share your story.  Why are you voting YES on Question 2? In 90 seconds or less, record a video about why the issue of high-stakes testing is important to you. Tell your story.
  • Make phone calls. Yes on 2 dialers are up and running. From the comfort of your own home, you can join one of the many phone banking sessions scheduled on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays or help your local organize a phone banking session and recruit members to participate. Sign up to make phone calls.
  • Knock on doors. The campaign has canvasses scheduled after school and on the weekends around the state. Find a canvass near you. If you'd like to organize a canvass for your local, reach out to MTA Grassroots staff for help. Once you have a date, time and starting location, email Grassroots staff at so that they can provide you with "turf."
  • Pass a resolutionTalk with school committee members, get on the agenda, and urge passage of the resolution.  Don't hesitate as September school committee meetings are coming up quickly. Go here for a sample resolution.

Learn more about high-stakes testing & get involved