Retired Members Committee

The Retired Members Committee establishes opportunities for retired members to address and pursue issues of common concern. It creates avenues to safeguard and strengthen retirement benefits and makes recommendations to the association on such issues. Provides forums for information sharing, establishes involvement in the election of pro-education candidates to public office and lobbies for educational measures in support of public education. It coordinates communications with Retired District Delegates and retired members.

Committee Members

Co-Chairs: Kathy Greeley, Cambridge and Rick Last, Northampton

Maureen Colgan Posner, Springfield
Kip Fonsh, Leverett
Shelly Fraser, Framingham
Ora Gladstone, Granville
Joe Herosy, Quincy
Brenda Johnson, Weymouth
Andrei Joseph, Chestnut Hill
Dale Melcher, Northampton
Rafael Moure-Eraso, Medford
Phyllis Neufeld, Burlington
Robin Smith, Springfield
Amy Wolpin, Florence

Staff Consultant: Lisa Lemieux, 

Learn More About the Retired Members Program